About NOfOD
The Nordic Forum for Dance Research, NOfOD, is a non-profit organization that promotes research and collaboration involving dance scholars and practitioners. This it does by arranging seminars and conferences as well as sharing information through discussions, performances and publications on dance. The purpose of the organization is to enhance, empower and bring together diverse forms of dance research, knowledge and practice especially in the Nordic context.
The Nordic Forum for Dance Research, NOfOD, is a non-profit organization that promotes research and collaboration involving dance scholars and practitioners.
NOfOD defines dance in the broadest possible terms; ballet, modern dance, contemporary dance, new dance, post-modern dance, salsa, tango, hip-hop, folk dance, ballroom dances, line dancing, etc. Thus the field encompasses a wide range of theatrical and participatory dance forms constitutive of Nordic as well as dance cultures more broadly. To study the significance of the dance event for participants and spectators, NOfOD embraces a wide range of research approaches and methods. Some employ dance-specific modes of inquiry such as historiograhical criticism, movement analysis or choreographic re-enactment; others draw on approaches from related disciplines such as musicology, physical education, theater studies, art history and visual studies, ethnology, gender studies, artistic or participatory research etc.
NOfOD has arranged a Nordic research conference every second year since 1990. These events featured presentation papers, lecture-demonstrations, panel discussions, movement workshops and performances on a broad range of topics. Each conference has produced a proceeding in which papers have been published on the authors' discretion.
The text first published at https://www.nofod.org/ has been updated 2021-01-11

NOfOD membership fees
- Student membership fee (students up to Master's degree) 25 eur
- Regular membership fee 45 eur
- Institutional membership fee 100 eur
Why become a NOfOD member?
Dance the Nordics!
As a member of the non-profit Nordic Forum for Research in Dance you support and can contribute actively to the Nordic community of dance scholars and practitioners.
- access to regular membership information from NOfOD
- the possibility to publish news of your choice in the NOfOD blog and this reach an important community of scholars and practitioners
- one cone copy of the Nordic Journal of Dance issues with research articles (for institutional members two copies)
- one copy of conference proceedings (for institutional members two copies)
- for students and regular members discount rates in the biannual conference (institutional membership does not offer conference discount)
- the pleasure of supporting dance in the Nordics!